FixDit blog

Welcome to the FixDit blog!  

I’ve been a tinkerer and domestic engineer for most of my life.  It started when I was young with taking things apart.  Of course, I had to put them back together before Mom got home, which was part of the fun.  My last year of high school I took an independent study shop class.  My project was to build a guitar amplifier.  I didn’t ever finish it, but the experience was more than worth it.  Tinkering is part of the reason I went to engineering school and it’s still with me today. 

It seems like I’m always looking for something else to fix or “improve.”  Sometimes this comes from necessity: something broke so it has to be fixed.  Sometimes this comes from thinking “that’s a dumb design, there has to be a better way…”  Sometimes this comes from just having to solve a new problem.  As a result, I’ve had to fix and design a lot of things.  In addition, I’ve learned a little about a lot of things and some valuable skills like electrical wiring, carpentry, plumbing, and sewing (both with and without a machine).

Having never denied myself the opportunity to learn something new, I have a lot of experience to rely upon when solving problems. Some of the problems I’ve wrestled with are discussed here, in the FixDit blog.