about insnackium monhegan self-portraitThis page is all about insnackium productions’ history.  insnackium productions is the brainchild of a recovering engineer and educator.  Hi, my name is Doug Beller.  My intent for this website is to provide a forum for creative problem solving.

I’ve always been good at math.  As a result, solving problems is just something I’ve had a lot of practice doing.  And since life is a word problem, math helps set up solutions to a lot of life’s problems.  However, many problems worth solving involve more than just math.  These are the problems that are about helping people.  These also tend to be the most satisfying to solve.

I am constantly looking for an “elegant” solution to a problem.  These solutions meet all, or at least most, of the design criteria.  They “just fit” what the problem solver is looking for.  Also, I’ve never denied myself the opportunity to learn something new, so I’m open to tackling just about anything.

I was born an “Army brat.”  As a result, I grew up in four different US states and three foreign countries, and was in 12 different schools before graduating from high school.   While in one of those foreign countries, I  learned about photography.  This was  when camera film was something you actually held in your hand and put into a camera before you could even take a picture.  I learned how to develop the film and print the final photo, too.  I’ve been traveling and taking pictures ever since.

This website is an ongoing culmination of my experiences: problems solved, photos taken, places visited. Somehow, it all manages to hang together.

And that’s all there is to know about insnackium productions’ history, at least for now…


I will not knowingly give your information to anyone. My intent is that I am the only one who will use this information and that it is only to provide you with updates about the insnackium website.

Please send me an email at if you’d like site updates.  Thanks!

creative thinking

Much thanks to ITFIXED.COM for being instrumental in getting the insnackium productions website launched.