photos of places and THINGS SEEN


I’ve been to lots of places and have taken lots of photos.  With this blog, I’ll be sharing some of those pictures and discussing how I happened to be at the right place at the right time to get them.

A Little Old School

I’ll admit to learning old school photography.  This was back when film was something you could actually hold in your hand.  A time when ISO had a physical meaning and could make a big difference in how your picture turned out if you didn’t set it right.  I also learned how to develop the film and to print a picture from the resulting negative.  I was even ambitious enough to try printing some color slides, too.  Film was expensive so I did quite a bit of in-camera editing, too.  I had to pay attention to the corners and make sure the scene was “just right.”  Now that I’ve joined the digital age, I can appreciate those lessons I learned back then.

What I’m Shooting For

I’m primarily an outdoor photographer; land- and skyscapes, mostly.  I took Art Appreciation 101 in college and I discovered that I like impressionist paintings.  As a result, my pictures tend to take on some of those qualities: soft focus, lots of contrasting colors, etc.  I’ve also found that a common theme in my photos is having something in the photo that is man made.  My goal is to capture just what nature provides, but it’s sometimes inevitable that something manufactured finds its way into a photo.  Occasionally, a human will find their way in as well, but just to break things up a little.  (BTW, another photographer whose work I enjoy is Claire Droppert’s; might want to check out her site.)

What’s on the Site

I’ve been to lots of places and have taken lots of photos.  With this blog, I’ll be sharing some of those pictures and discussing how I happened to be at the right place at the right time to get them.  I’ll be blogging about photos I’ve taken (right side below) and posting galleries of them (left side below), too.  

Monhegan Island
converted from slides of Monhegan Island, ME, USA
Into the Mist
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Park at Night
converted from slides of Elm Park, Worcester, MA, USA
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Down Under
converted from negatives of Australia & New Zealand
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Down Under 2
converted from negatives of New Zealand
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Betty Belair
delivery van converted to a camper
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